About your donation:

When you support Friends of Africa International with a tax-deductible donation, you are supporting wildlife conservation, environmental protection, cultural preservation, education and humanitarian projects, and other worthy nonprofit causes throughout Africa. Less than 5% of all Friends of Africa donations are attributed to administration.  That means more than 95% of your donation goes directly to our affiliates or projects.  You may designate which project your donation will support by informing us at the time of your donation.  You may designate your donation be allocated to one of the following:

  • Pokot School and Medical Clinic
  • Kuba Kingdom Project, D.R. Congo
  • Save the Elephants
  • Mount Kenya Trust
  • Kenya Orphan Fund
  • Africa Conservation Foundation
  • Friends of Africa Capacity-Building Fund

Your donations to Friends of Africa International are tax deductible!  (Federal Tax Exempt I.D. #74-2488671) There are many ways to give:

Check or Credit Card via PayPal:

All major credit cards are accepted. Please make your secure payment here:

Via Check by Mail:

We highly recommend that you do not mail cash. Please send your checks to:

Friends of Africa International

4023 N 33rd Street

Phoenix, AZ 85018


Via Combined Federal Campaign:


United States civilian, military and postal employees throughout the world may make contributions to Friends of Africa International via the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Friends of Africa International is enrolled in the CFC as a qualified member of the ‘Aid to Africa Federation,’ which brings together organizations dedicated to the premise that solving Africa’s problems requires a multidisciplinary approach.

As an eligible charity, Friends of AFrica has met the CFC’s fiscal accountability, governance and programmatic impact standards, some of the most rigorous in the giving community.

To designate your contribution to Friends of Africa International, please use our Combined Federal Campaign I.D. #9978.



Make a pledge to Friends of Africa International:

Please indicate the purpose of your donation.

To make a pledge for a donation, please fill out the form below. Thank you.

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Amount of your pledge in U.S. Dollars (required):

Comments: Please designate the purpose of your contribution here. Thank You

Thank you for your pledge. Your donation is tax-deductible. We will contact you about billing.

We will contact you for a secure transaction.


Thank you for your support!

Donations to Friends of Africa International are appreciated! Donations of $24 or more will will automatically qualify for subscription to Friends of Africa Magazine.  All major sponsors, media partners and project underwriters will be rewarded with recognition in our website, magazine, media outreach and event programs commensurate with gift level.  For more information click here.