Statement of Purpose: The purpose of Friends of Africa International (FOAI) is to support and assist effective and established charitable institutions, research centers, and projects, both in Africa and in the USA, whose mandate is the conservation and protection of African wildlife, environment, and culture from the constant threat of devastation by outside forces. Through education, financial aid, volunteer coordination, and hard work, it is the goal of Friends of Africa International is to generate awareness of those threats, explore viable solutions, and then support programs that endeavor to mitigate those threats.
Vision Statement: Friends of Africa International (FOAI) strives to accomplish our stated purpose by initiating sustainable projects and cultivating affiliations with existing organizations doing work that fulfills our common goals. FOAI also makes its non-profit 501(c)(3) status available to certain organizations in Africa wishing representation in the USA, for the purpose of collecting USA tax-deductible donations. In addition to maintaining accounts for certain affiliate organizations, we assist in representing them when asked to do so, including the organization of seminars, lectures and fund-raising events. FOAI also independently offers programs of interest and outright financial aid, relating to those mandates outlined in our Statement of Purpose.
Current Objectives: Friends of Africa International initiates and supports programs that address conservation, environmental and humanitarian concerns impacting the continent of Africa by:
- Determining areas of urgent need;
- Raising awareness about critical issues and concerns;
- Developing plans and programs to solve identified problems;
- Raising funds necessary to execute plans; and
- Overseeing progress of projects undertaken.
Friends of Africa Mission: to support wildlife conservation, environmental protection, cultural preservation, education and humanitarian aid throughout the continent of Africa.