Frequently Asked Questions
Question: How much of my donation will be used for FOAI’s administrative expenses?
Answer: Thanks to the generous donation of time and effort of FOAI’s members, we currently use only 2% of donations to cover administrative expenses within FOAI. This is markedly less than other non-profit organizations that may typically consume 10-20% for administrative overhead. As our programs expand, it may become necessary to increase our administrative expenses somewhat, however it is our intention to always keep our overhead to an absolute minimum.
Question: How is a project selected to become an FOAI affiliate?
Answer: As stated in our Statement of Purpose (home page), FOAI “supports effective and established foundations, research centers, and programs designed to preserve and protect African wildlife, environment, and culture from the constant threat of extinction”. Proposals from prospective affiliates are given a board review using established criteria to ensure that FOAI affiliates meet these standards.
Question: Why has FOAI chosen to become more involved in working through established affiliates in Africa as opposed to creating new programs?
Answer: Over the years, we have discovered some outstanding programs originated by dedicated conservation and cultural professionals in Africa. Rather than compete for funding dollars in similar arenas, FOAI can provide more overall benefit by supporting these select programs, through additional representation and guidance from our base in the U.S., in addition to providing tax benefits for U.S. donors.