Friends of Africa International supports wildlife conservation, environmental protection, cultural preservation, education and development in Africa.

Welcome to Friends of Africa International, a U.S.-based 501(c)3 nonprofit organization also registered in Kenya as an international NGO and Trust. Founded in 1988, Friends of Africa International is governed by an international Executive Board with chapter activity managed by Boards of Directors and an International Trust managed by a Board of Trustees. FOAI has chapters in Aspen, CO, Scottsdale, AZ and Nairobi, Kenya.

Friends of Africa initiates projects and supports other affiliated NGOs in areas of wildlife conservation, environmental protection, cultural preservation, education, poverty alleviation, healthcare and community development throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. All Executives, Board members and Trustees are volunteers, which enables Friends of Africa to dedicate more than 95% of all donations received to its projects and affiliates.

Our current focus areas include development of a medical network to serve more than one million people in Northern Kenya and South Sudan, Maasai Orphan Education, and sustainable development in D.R. Congo.

FOAI affiliates include Save the Elephants, Mount Kenya Trust, African Conservation Foundation and other community development projects.

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